Fractional powers


New member
Apr 7, 2020
I'm looking for some equations in engineering or science with fractional powers, like x^4/3 or something. Any ideas?
look at the roots of a quadratic equation.
You misunderstand. I'm not looking for solutions. For example, [math]E=mc^2[/math] is an equation where the power of c is 2. I want to know if there any practical equations with terms with fractional powers.
Perhaps, you've misunderstood, Lindt. The quadratic formula may be written as:

x = [-b ± D^(1/2)] ÷ (2a) where D is the Discriminant.

? Have you tried googling keywords, for examples? It took me less than a minute to find this example.


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I'm looking for some equations in engineering or science with fractional powers, like x^4/3 or something. Any ideas?

You must use grouping symbols when you write it out in horizontal style:

You misunderstand. I'm not looking for solutions. For example, [math]E=mc^2[/math] is an equation where the power of c is 2. I want to know if there any practical equations with terms with fractional powers.
Work through the list here:

For example, the first is Kepler's law, which (solved for T) says that T is proportional to [imath]R^{3/2}[/imath]. The second shows exponents like -2.35. The first example under Biology, Kleiber's law, has exponent 3/4.