Geometric sequences

The parameter a is, as they say, the first term of the sequence. What is the first term (the amount earned the first day)?

The parameter r is, as they say, the common ratio, the number by which each term is multiplied to get the next term. What do you multiply the amount earned on one day to get the amount earned the next day?

Then, what general formula have you learned for a geometric sequence in terms of a and r?

If you need more help, we'll want to see your work and answers for the first three parts (so we can check them and use them for subsequent steps), and some attempt at the work you are asking about, so we can see how close you are and what help you need.
You are correct on (a), (b), and (c), except that on the latter you didn't round to the nearest dollar.

You also have correct answers for (d) and (e); I agree with you about the ambiguity about which day it would actually be.

Good work!