^-^ Help with expressing a Formula...^-^ ?


New member
Sep 8, 2020
Greetings Experts & Mathemagicians!

I was wondering if someone could help me express this in a *Theory Formula* VS * With concrete Values*

I am trying to express this, with a formula :

Variable Z : a value which represents 1 unit of a finite resource with a maximum amount existing (510 000)
All Z are currently in existence and none can ever be destroyed nor created anew.

1 unit of Z can only be in one of two locations, either in the initial genesis pool left untouched. Or has been successfully released from the genesis pool into a new pool which represents current <<circulating>> supply. Once a Z has been transferred, it can never go back to the genesis pool.

Variable X : a value representing the current supply of Finite Resource Z which is capped at 510 000, which is currently in Genesis Pool and has not been released.

Variable Y : a value representing the current Z in circulation which have been released from the Genesis Pool and currently reside in an <<available>> pool.

Variable W : The value representing the Z which were removed from the <<available>> pool because the resource was bought at a certain price determined by A.

Variable A : a certain trigger, like a wave or round of something with a total supply of 8, no decimals (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
happens consecutively from 1 to 8 if a certain criteria is met.

Variable Ab : The released supply of the finite resource based on variable A (8 possibilities : Ab value changes based on value of A.
Everytime A happens, and it happens in order from 1 to 8 if certain criteria are met, then Variable
If A=1, then Ab = 2000 Z released from Genesis pool to Circulating supply.
If A=2, then Ab = 4000 <<idem>>
If A=3, then Ab = 8000
If A=4, then Ab = 16 000
If A=5, then Ab = 32 000
If A=6, then Ab = 64 000
If A=7, then Ab = 128 000
If A=8, then Ab = 256 000 (as A Reaches 8, then the genesis pool as been depleted and ALL supply is in circulation forever)

Variable K : The Resource*s Current Worth (Currency) which the value changes based on how many A happened. if A=1 then Y = 2. If A=2 then Y = (A=2)*2 and so forth.
If A=1, then K = 2
If A=2, then K = 4
If A=3, then K = 8
If A=4, then K = 16
If A=5, then K = 32
If A=6, then K = 64
If A=7, then K = 128
If A=8, then K = 256

J = The amount of K which was amassed during event A=1 through 8.

The Genesis Pool is created, A=1 happens automatically since the event exists.
For A=2 to be true then all the supply from the available pool Y, were transferred to pool W, because Ab was sold at K value.

The objective is to demonstrate that no matter how many times A (the trigger or wave) happens, that the new released supply Ab is equal to half of the current Y Circulating supply)

Any thoughts on how to express this or if some variables are useless ?

Your help is much appreciated.
Yes I and others have thoughts (I assume) but the real question is what are your thoughts? Where are you stuck. In order to help you we need to know what type of help you need. Maybe you should read our posting guidelines.