how write an equation that .....


New member
Feb 11, 2009
How to write an equation that gives the income y for working x hours?
Suppose you made $12 per hour and you worked for 20 hours. What would you do to figure out how much you had earned? Do the same for working x hours at y per hour. But you must decide what you are going to name the income. Be sure to write it down. For instance say...
Let ___ represent Income. (You fill in the blank with whatever variable you choose.) Now, you are ready to write the equation.
That is very good. I do have a reservation in that the symbolism A(x) has a special meaning in addition to meaning A times x. If you leave off the parenthesis, it will only have the one meaning. Here are other ways to say A times x... Ax; A·x; A × x; (A)(x). The third one is not preferred because of the possible confusion with the letter "x" and the multiplication symbol "×".