I need help answering this homework, can anyone help me? Thank you! :)


New member
Oct 24, 2012
In his science class, Andrew is required to convert temperatures he collected in degrees
Fahrenheit into degrees Celsius. The teacher has said that degrees Celsius are equal to
5/9 of the difference between degrees Fahrenheit and 32.
a. What is the general equation that represents degrees Celsius as a function of
degrees Fahrenheit?
b. If Andrew determined the temperature of his solution is 113o F, what would be the
temperature of his solution in degree Celsius?
c. If Jaylee measured the temperature of her solution to be 55o C, what would be the
temperature of her solution in degrees Fahrenheit?
My official test for ºC to ºF is to try -40º(CF)

"degrees Celsius are equal to 5/9 of the difference between degrees Fahrenheit and 32"

ºC = (5/9)(ºF-32)

Let's see if my test works...

-40 -32 = -72

-72/9 = -8

5*-8 = -40 -- Excellent.
Another conversion formula, i find easy to compute:

°F = (2 - 0.2 ) * °C + 32
That's a remarkable coincidence, since kg * (2 + 0.2) = lb
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