inequalities: You have at least $30 in change, consisting of


New member
Sep 26, 2006
You have at least $30 in change in your drawer, consisting of dimes and quarters. Write an inequality that shows the different number of coins in your drawer. I came up with this; it is correct?

10x + 25y 30 (with the greater than equal to sign between 25y and 30; for some reason it didn't copy over)
Be careful...........decimals.

\(\displaystyle \L\\0.10x+0.25y\geq{30}\)
WOW! You lost me; I'm not that good. I wanted to know if I wrote the equation correct.. By putting a greater than/equal than sign. I wasn't sure if there should be a less than/equal than sign. If you look at the problem please let me know if I put the correct sign in place. Please advise. Thanks for your assistance!!
Re: inequalities: You have at least $30 in change, consistin

king29 said:
You have at least $30 in change in your drawer, consisting of dimes and quarters. Write an inequality that shows the different number of coins in your drawer. I came up with this; it is correct?

10x + 25y 30 (with the greater than equal to sign between 25y and 30; for some reason it didn't copy over)

$30 is 3000 cents...

If there is at least $30 in the cash drawer, would you agree that

amount in cash drawer > = 3000 cents?

Let x = number of dimes. Each dime is worth 10 cents, so x dimes are worth 10x cents.

Let y = number of quarters. Each quarter is worth 25 cents, so x quarters are worth 25y cents.

value of dimes + value of quarters is equal to amount in the cash drawer. So,

10x + 25y = number of cents in drawer

And we know that the number of cents in the drawer is at least 3000. So,

10x + 25y >= 3000