Math problem sequences


New member
May 25, 2020
I need demonstration on how to do this exercises. Could someone help me? I need it so much I am failing my class.

Find the 8th term of the arithmetic sequence with a3=17 and a6=35.
Find the 2nd term of the geometric sequence with a4=2 and a5=-8.
To make our help as useful as possible, we'd like you to show us what you have learned about this, and anything you've tried for at least one of these problems. Then we can help you use what you know.

(I could, for example, start you out by giving you formulas for a sequences and suggesting how to use them, but I don't know for sure what form of those equations you've been taught. And there are ways to do these without using formulas at all.)
To go from a3 to a6 you have to add something 3 times to 17 to get to 35. How much is what you are adding each time? To go from a6 to a8 you have to add that number twice to 35 to get to a8. Just think about it.
Find the 8th term of the arithmetic sequence with a3=17 and a6=35.
Find the 2nd term of the geometric sequence with a4=2 and a5=-8.
Notation, Notation,Notation. That is the name of the game of sequences.
This is mine there are many others:
Arithmetic sequences: \(a_n=a+d\cdot n\). Please note that \(a_0=a\) is the first term and that \(d\) is called the common different.

Geometric sequences: \(g_n=g\cdot r^n\). Please note that \(g_0=g\) is the first term and that \(r\) is called the common rato.

You are given two problems:
1) AS where \(a_3=17~\&~a_6=35\) can you find \(a=~?~\&~d=~?\)
2) GS where \(g_4=2~\&~g_5=-8\) can you find \(g=~?~\&~r=~?\)