Multi-Step Equations


New member
Oct 9, 2012
" You will need:

 6 red shirts, at $10.90 each for the lighting crew
 4 yellow shirts at $ $10.50 each for the props crew
 5 purple shirts at $12.50 each for the make-up crew

You have $200.00 to spend on all the shirts. How many green shirts can you purchase for the ushers if
those shirts cost $11.50 each? If you spend less than your budget, how much money do you have left
over? "

I have the work for the other shirts, which total to $169.90, but I don't get how I'm suppose to find how many green shirts I'd be buying.
If you had $200 and have already (or must) spend $169.90 for other shirts, how much do you have left that you can spend on green shirts?
Why are you calling this "Multi Steps Equations"?

Because you use multi-step equations for the problems...?


2x- 7 = 13
2x - 7 + 7 = 13 + 7
2x = 20, isolate variable term
2x / 2 = 20 / 2
I don't get how I'm suppose to find how many green shirts I'd be buying.

Divide your leftover money by the price of a green shirt.

Division tells us how many times one number goes into another.

You need to calculate out how many times the price of one green shirt goes into your left-over money.

Remember, your final answer must be a Whole number because people don't buy fractional parts of shirts (except at KMart, where one of my t-shirts was missing a sleeve, lol). :cool:
I am not sure what you mean by a multi-step equation.

If you wanted to write an equation for the number of shirts, how would you sum up the shirts to total the maximum you can spend? And what would be the unknown number of shirts?