Need help with this Math problem.


New member
Jul 26, 2022
Here is the screenshot where I am stuck at some point. I would appreciate any help. Thank you.


  • Screeenshot_Find_Maximum_Value.jpg
    51 KB · Views: 17
Here is the screenshot where I am stuck at some point. I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
Also, please tell us what topics you have learned that are relevant to maximizing a function. This sounds more like a calculus problem than algebra, and could be done several different ways.
Hi gamaz. Just in case you're allowed to use technology, I'll mention that you can find the maximum value by graphing y in terms of x and zooming in on the highest point.

To find y in terms of x, first solve the given equation for y (you'll get two expressions). Then substitute either expression for y in the ratio to be maximized. Graph the result and zoom.

The reason why it doesn't matter which expression you substitute for y is because the negation simply flips the graph across the y-axis. In other words, the maximum value is the same on both graphs; it's position in one version is the mirror image of the other version.
