Nerd Trek ?


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2015
I had retrieved an external hard drive from storage, looking for some archived paperwork. Still looking ... but I've found some old DVD movie backups!

(Note to Arizona residents and visitors: Do not stack CDs or DVDs without protection. The grinding, invisible clay dust renders them useless. Backup your optical discs before using them.)

Anyway, back at the farm, I recently watched Star Trek VI and Star Trek Generations. I found myself thinking, "That Bird of Prey explosion looks familiar", so I went online, and (sure enough) found this video.

Does analyzing old Star Trek movies mean I'm a nerd? (Or, worse, a Trekkie?)

I had retrieved an external hard drive from storage, looking for some archived paperwork. Still looking ... but I've found some old DVD movie backups!

(Note to Arizona residents and visitors: Do not stack CDs or DVDs without protection. The grinding, invisible clay dust renders them useless. Backup your optical discs before using them.)

Anyway, back at the farm, I recently watched Star Trek VI and Star Trek Generations. I found myself thinking, "That Bird of Prey explosion looks familiar", so I went online, and (sure enough) found this video.

Does analyzing old Star Trek movies mean I'm a nerd? (Or, worse, a Trekkie?)

Nope. You're sane. (Or at least as sane as me. Hehehehehehehe!!!!)

Star Trek Generations used a lot of pre-made clips. They stole several scenes from the TV series as well.

I was a hardcore trekkie as a kid. I even was allotted a bulletin board in class that was totally devoted to star trek.

I remember removing the keychain parts from these furball keychains and selling them (for less than cost) as tribbles.
Soon half the school had a tribble. (I'm sure the drugstore I got them from couldn't believe their luck)

Fast forward however many years to the premiere of TNG. I had been waiting decades for something like this.
I wanted it so badly to be done well.... and then....

well... it wasn't horrible, but it was pretty bad. Riker was annoying, Wesley was annoying, Troi was wayyyy annoying.
The episode relied on tech that was basically magic. At least the ending was nice.

I don't think I even watched it after those first two episodes. Oh I saw it here and there. It had some good episodes.
Piccard, Data, Q were all excellent characters (unfortunately about the only ones). Then it got all tangled up in movies and Borg etc.

Then somewhere in there came DS9. Was a great idea, had a few good actors, (but way too many really annoying ones), and some
good scripts but ultimately the writers just weren't really up to the task. I have to admit I didn't give it much of a chance. The
Ferengi are just so annoying and so was umm Sisko's kid. Stop it with the kid actors!

I never saw any of that next one... Voyager? The one with the woman captain. It had all become just a money factory churning out
episodes according to a time tested formula. Same with the various movies. I guess they're still at it. Squeezing every last dime
from that worn out sponge.
... I even was allotted a bulletin board in class that was totally devoted to star trek.

I remember removing the keychain parts from these furball keychains and selling them (for less than cost) as tribbles. Soon half the school had a tribble ...
At the time, I really liked the original TV series, too (the set productions and props were like nothing I'd seen before), but I think you had it bad.

... Fast forward ... to ... TNG ... it was pretty bad. Riker was annoying [among others] ...
I was working two and three jobs, by then. I saw TNG later, in syndication. Yes, the Riker character annoys. You know how Leonard Nimoy popularized the raised eyebrow? Riker seemed hired to do the same, only his forte is the bulging eyeballs, shaking-head look of consternation/confusion.

There's one rerun that roommates and I watched a number of times, where Picard issues a bridge command, "Fire at will!". I would always chime in, "Yes, by all means, fire at Will."
