One problem to solve

[imath]S_1[/imath] is the solution set of the equation [imath]\sin{x}=1[/imath]
This equation can easily be solved.

[imath]S_{100}[/imath] is the solution set of the equation [imath]\prod \limits_{k=1}^{100} \sin{kx} = 1[/imath]
If you consider when this product would be 1, you will see that there are no (real) solutions.
If I answer based on what you wrote, then the answer is clearly 1.

Please do not use x to denote multiplication and the variable x.

You wrote Sn= sinx*sin2x*sin3x*...* sin nx=1. This means for all n, the left hand side equals 1. So S100 = 1
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Let Sn= sinx x sin2x x sin3x x...x sin nx=1
View attachment 29148
You have caused confusion by not translating the entire problem into English. The answer by lex clarifies the problem; Sn is not the expression you say it is equal to, but the solution set of the equation that follows. You should have written

Let Sn be the solution set of the equation sin x sin 2x sin 3x ... sin nx = 1.​

If I were you, I would have found S1, then tried S2, and then realized what the key idea is for any larger n: What is the greatest possible value of each of the factors? What is required to make the product equal to 1?