Simplification, how?

right, i was trying to follow the "a programmer introduction to mathematics" but haven't touched algebra for almost 2 decades. Could you kindly expand on the steps?
oh right, as in a1(x2-x1)=y2-y1 => a1=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) ?

[MATH]a_1x_2 - a_1x_1 = y_2 - y_1 \iff a_1(x_2 - x_1) = y_2 - y_1[/MATH]
This derives trivially from one of the field axioms and is simply an important generalization of

[MATH](2 * 7) - (2 * 3) = 8 = 2(7 - 3).[/MATH]

[MATH]a_1x_2 - a_1x_1 = y_2 - y_1 \implies a_1(x_2 - x_1) = y_2 - y_1[/MATH] and

[MATH]a_1(x_2 - x_1) = y_2 - y_1 \implies a_1 = \dfrac{y_2 -y_1}{x_2 - x_1} \text { IF AND ONLY IF } x_2 - x_1 \ne 0.[/MATH]