A agree withe dimension part, but have you tried to verify the result. I.e., does it satisfy both criteria, i.e., for U and W?
I took 2cx+cx^2+2ex^3+ex^4 and substituted in the condition of U, so that:

2c(-1)+c(-1)^2+2e(-1)^3+e(-1)^4 =0
e=-c, therefore:

c(2x+x^2-x^3-x^4), hence the basis for the intersection is {2x+x^2-x^3-x^4}.
If [imath]q(x) = 2x + x^2 - x^3 - x^4[/imath] then what is [imath]q(-1)[/imath]?
I wanted you to verify your answer by using the fact that [imath]q \in U[/imath] means that [imath]q(-1) = 0[/imath].
I see. Perhaps my explanation was faulty, but what I did is correct, right?
I believe that I got the correct basis for the intersection.
I see. Perhaps my explanation was faulty, but what I did is correct, right?
I believe that I got the correct basis for the intersection.
How can your answer for [imath]q[/imath] be correct if [imath]q(-1) \neq 0[/imath]?
How can your answer for [imath]q[/imath] be correct if [imath]q(-1) \neq 0[/imath]?
I believe that you copied 2cx+cx^2-2cx^3-cx^4 incorrectly.

It's not q(x) = 2x + x^2 - x^3 - x^4, but rather q(x) = 2x + x^2 - 2x^3 - x^4
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