Please help a.s.a.p!

sk8ergirl 100

New member
Sep 20, 2005
Please help me with this math problem,I tried to figure it out but it gave me a headache.

"The expression 2(l+w) may be used to find the perimeter of a rectangle What are the length and width of a rectangle if the ares is 13 1/2 square units and the length is one side is 1/5 the measure of the preimeter?
Area = 13.5 units<sup>2</sup>
Perimeter = 15 units
Length = 3 units
Width = 4.5 units
sk8ergirl 100 said:
Please help me with this math problem,I tried to figure it out but it gave me a headache.
"The expression 2(l+w) may be used to find the perimeter of a rectangle What are the length and width of a rectangle if the ares is 13 1/2 square units and the length is one side is 1/5 the measure of the preimeter?
W = 2(L + W) / 5
W = (2L + 2W) / 5
5W = 2L + 2W
2L = 3W
L = 3W / 2

Area = LW, so:
W(3W / 2) = 13.5
3W^2 / 2 = 13.5

Finish it...
sk8ergirl 100 said:
how the heck did you get your answer?
Did you try following Denis' set-up and instructions?
