cross products of proportions; percent of 40 that is 60


New member
Dec 3, 2007
i have a few problems that i totally do not understand.

the cross products of a proportion are ______ equal.
is it always?sometimes?never?
i thought it was sometimes.


what percent of 40 is 60?
i got 150%....

help! :?: :?: :?: :?:

I don't know how to give a definite answer. You might look up the definition of a proportion. I learned that "a proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal." So, if I were to make a statement that 3/4 = 6/8, I would have a proportion. However, what if I make the statement that 3/4 = 9/16. Both 3/4 and 9/16 are ratios, therefore, according to the definition, we have a proportion. But in this case, the equality is not true. Therefore, in my opinion, the definition should be "a true proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal." Your question does not include the word "true." So, in my opinion, you have to find the exact definition of a proportion before answering your question. If the statement would have been "the cross products of a true proportion are ______ equal." I would answer "always".

Nice going on your second question. You are correct.
caseyann said:
the cross products of a proportion are ______ equal.
is it always?sometimes?never?
Look in your book and/or your class notes for how a "proportion" is defined, and for how "cross-multiplying" relates. :wink:
