Need Help Solving equation 2x / 5 = 6


New member
Jan 1, 2008
2x/5=6 ?? This is 2x (over 5), equals 6. I need help with the solution??
Re: Need Help Solving

rin said:
2x/5=6 ?? This is 2x (over 5), equals 6. I need help with the solution??

You can multiply both sides of the equation by 5. This will eliminate the denominator of the fraction:

5*(2x)/5 = 5*6

2x = 30

I'll bet you can finish it now. Be sure to check your solution by substituting it into the original equation.
rin said:
2x/5=6 ?? This is 2x (over 5), equals 6. I need help with the solution??

We have this:

2x/5 = 6

Multiply both sides of the equation by the LCD. This will remove the fraction 2x/5 and make things a lot easier.

Our LCD = 30 ( 5 x 6 = 30)

2x/5 times 30 = 6 times 30

The left side becomes 12x and the right side becomes 180

We have this linear equation:

12x = 180

To find x, divide both sides of the equation by 12.

x = 180 divided by 12

x = 15

How do we know x = 15 is right?

We can prove it be substituting 15 for x in the original equation.
If we get the same answer on both sides, then we will know that x = 15 is right.

You were given:

2x/5 = 6

Plug 15 for x and simplify.

2(15)/5 = 6

30/5 = 6

6 = 6...It checks!!!

Final answer: x = 15