Factoring 6x^2+8xz-9yz-12yz

betsy81 said:
Factor 6x^2+8xz-9yz-12yz
You've got four terms, and nothing nothing factors out of all four, so you're looking at factoring "in pairs". How far have you gotten? Where are you stuck?

Please be complete. Thank you! :D

Dear Betsy81,

Are you sure you typed it in right? Are you sure it's not really this:

\(\displaystyle 6x^2+8xz-9yx-12yz\)

-9yx instead of -9yz ?

when i use...^=squared(square root)
Show that y-10=6x(-10x+2)-9x^+2 is a quadratic function by writing it in the form f(x)=ax^+bx+c, and identify a,b, and c.

[i dont understand]
Re: Algebra2H

Jasmine_09 said:
when i use...^=squared(square root)
Show that y-10=6x(-10x+2)-9x^+2 is a quadratic function by writing it in the form f(x)=ax^+bx+c, and identify a,b, and c.

y - 10 = 6x(-10x + 2) - 9x[sup:1ho8eup5]2[/sup:1ho8eup5]
y - 10 = -60x[sup:1ho8eup5]2[/sup:1ho8eup5] + 12x - 9x[sup:1ho8eup5]2[/sup:1ho8eup5]
y - 10 = -69x[sup:1ho8eup5]2[/sup:1ho8eup5] + 12x
y = -69x[sup:1ho8eup5]2[/sup:1ho8eup5] + 12x + 10

so ... what are a, b, and c?

next time, start a new problem with a new thread.