Christopher's competition


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Hello, everyone. there is a problem i can't quite get to solving so i hope anyone can help. Here it is:

Christopher enterd a mathematics competition. He obtained the same score in both parts of the competition.

Part 1 of the competition

The following box-and-whisker plot is based on the scores of all the students who entered the first part of the competition. Christopher's score was in the 68th percentile

I don't really know how to make a box and whisker plot here so i'll tell you that the minimum is 80. The Q1= 120, Q2= 168, Q3=175, and max is 200.

Part 2 of the competition

The scores of the 10 students who entered part 2 of the competition are given below.

160 160 169 170 178 180 185 188 192 195

Christopher's score is higher than the first quartile of this distribution.

What was christopher's score? Show your work.

Can anyone tell me how to get this going?
Probably too late but...
From the first graph 68th percentile is in Q3 so his score is between 168 and 175. The two choices in part 2 are 169 and 170. 169 is not higher than Q1 (169) which leaves ???