Statistic Week 1


New member
May 28, 2011
Need to find the Stem & Leaf Plot, histogram, Measure the Central Tendency, Measure of Variablity, (Note Ungroup Data)
The following blood pressure are for men and women with in the age group 19-25 years.
Men Blood Pressure
Women Blood Pressure
Please HelpMe :?
Sort them.
Cut them in half.
Cut each piece in half.
You'll be almost done.
helpme1234 said:
How can I show the work? I am so confused !!!!!!!!

Helpme1234 :?

Have not been taught how to sort a set of numbers?

Use excel for expediency....
Learn to use the resources available to you.

First look at your assigned text for explanations of histogram, measure of central tenedency, etc. Some textbooks are really quite good.

But maybe YOUR textbook is obscure. If you look up on google "stem and leaf plot" you will find at purplemath a simple explanation. It will make clear that it will be much simpler to construct one if you first sort the data. Similarly, if you look up on google "histogram," you will find a good explanation at quarknet. Again, the importance of sorting the data to construct a histogram will be obvious.

Subotosh Khan pointed out that sorting can be done expeditiously using excel. Don't know how to sort using excel? Try hitting the help button at excel and entering "sort." This will show you how to sort your data in excel. Actually excel is a little too easy to use for statistics; if you start letting it do your homework for you by relying heavily on its built-in functions, you will not learn how to do this stuff yourself and so will be UTTERLY DOOMED when it comes to exam time. (And by doomed, I mean catastrophically F-like screwed.) Sorting data in excel, however, is OK because you certainly already know how to do that.

As for showing your work to your prof, print is a nice option on your computer. As for showing your work HERE, you can copy a lot of stuff from excel and paste it here.

SO, many lessons to be learned from one problem.

(1) Use ALL your resources.

(2) When looking at sample or population data, the FIRST step is to sort the data. All these other things that you are asking about are just devices to make it easier to comprehend the data.

(3) You will get quicker and more intelligent help here if you show your work up to where you are stuck and try to explain briefly what is blocking YOUR progress. The purpose of this site is to provide hints and guidance, not to do homework. Most of us did a lot of homework long ago and do not need more of it now.