permutations and combinations!


New member
Dec 7, 2012
how many permutations are there of the letters of the word NONILLION
In how many of these permutations are the N's separated??
Hello, ss_xo!

How many permutations are there of the letters of the word NONILLION?

There are 9 letters, but there are: 2 I's, 2 L's, 3 N's, and 2 O's.

There are: .\(\displaystyle \dfrac{9!}{2!\,2!\,3!\,2!} \:=\:7,\!560\) permutations.

In how many of these permutations are the N's separated?

Place the I's, L's, and O's in a row.
Insert spaces before, after and between them.
. . \(\displaystyle \_\,I\,\_\,I\,\_\,L\,\_\,L\,\_\,O\,\_\,O\,\_\)

There are: .\(\displaystyle \dfrac{6!}{2!\,2!\,2!} = 90\) ways to arrange the six letters.

Select 3 of the 7 spaces and insert the N's.
. . There are: .\(\displaystyle {7\choose3} \:=\:\dfrac{7!}{3!\,4!} \:=\:35\) ways to insert the N's.

Therefore, there are: .\(\displaystyle 90\times 35 \:=\:3,\!150\) permutations
. . . in which there are no adjacent N's.**