need help in my son maths question which i can't solve.


New member
Mar 19, 2019
Minah and Yati have some money. If Yati give Minah 60 dollars, they both would have an equal amount of money. If Minah give Yati 220 dollars, Yati would have 5 times as much money as Minah.

Q1. How much does Minah have?
Q2. How much does Yati have?

thanks for the help?
The standard way to solve this is with algebra (as Jomo did - but check for a sign error!); but since you put this under Arithmetic, I'll suppose that algebra is not available. (Please let us know -- that's one of the things we request in our submission guidelines.)

I like a visual method at that level. The first fact can be represented as
M:|         | 60 :
Y:|              : 60 |
which shows that Yati has $120 more than Minah.
You can do something similar to see that in the second case, Yati would exceed Minah by $560. What multiple of Minah's new amount would this $560 be?

There are also various trial and error methods that make sense for developing a number sense in arithmetic.

But if your son knows any algebra, that will take a lot less thinking!
The standard way to solve this is with algebra (as Jomo did - but check for a sign error!); but since you put this under Arithmetic, I'll suppose that algebra is not available. (Please let us know -- that's one of the things we request in our submission guidelines.)

I like a visual method at that level. The first fact can be represented as
M:|         | 60 :
Y:|              : 60 |
which shows that Yati has $120 more than Minah.
You can do something similar to see that in the second case, Yati would exceed Minah by $560. What multiple of Minah's new amount would this $560 be?

There are also various trial and error methods that make sense for developing a number sense in arithmetic.

But if your son knows any algebra, that will take a lot less thinking!
thanks, you r right. my son have learn algebra.
I'll assume, then, that my suggestions led to a solution. If you wish, feel free to share that answer with us (and others who might read this), so we can confirm it, and see how well kids can think.
The work looks good; but let's check the answer. You are saying, as I read it, that Minah has $360 and Yati has $480. Here is the problem, applied to those numbers:
  • If Yati give Minah 60 dollars, they both would have an equal amount of money.
    • Yati would have 480 - 60 = 420; Minah would have 360 + 60 = 420; these are equal.
  • If Minah give Yati 220 dollars, Yati would have 5 times as much money as Minah.
    • Minah would have 360 - 220 = 140; Yati would have 480 + 20 = 700, which is 5 times 140.
Good work! What you showed demonstrates a good understanding of the technique. (And I left you the hard part.)