Cryptic Change?

Yup. Who knew?

Dint is a noun (eg: dent, dimple, OR power, force).

Dint is a verb (eg: to make a dent, OR to impress, to force).

"By dint of" is synonymous with "because of", as in:

"People who finish college may be more likely to earn a higher income purely by dint of their character."

Okay, enough with the weird-word crypts …

so recess [has] nothing to do with it?
Ms Merriam would answer, "no".

Some synonyms listed: cavity, concavity, dent, depression, hole, hollow, indentation, indenture, pit, recess.

My first impression was that you'd asked about playtime. But then, I took you seriously. (Now, I'm not sure, heh.)

Lol. Great surface, Romsek. You totally faked me out.
