Solving for the variable in an exponential function


New member
Jul 2, 2018
Hey there,

I'm struggling trying to solve these questions. I've managed to figure out the exponential functions for both but don't know how to solve for r/t. Could someone please give me some guidance as to how to solve for the variables? Thank you.

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That's what the logarithm is for! In fact, that is how the logarithm is defined. If \(\displaystyle \frac{10000}{3}= (1.13)^t\) then, taking the logarithm of both sides, \(\displaystyle \log\left(\frac{10000}{3}\right)= log(1.13^t)= t log(1.13)\). \(\displaystyle x= \frac{\log\left(\frac{10000}{3}\right)}{log(1.13)}\).

Your calculator probably has two logarithm buttons- the "common" logarithm, base 10, and the "natural" logarithm, base e. As long as you use the same logarithm throughout a calculation, it doesn't matter which you use.

For \(\displaystyle \left(1+ \frac{r}{4}\right)^{60}= \frac{1}{5}\), since the unknown, r, is NOT in the exponent itself, you do not need a logarithm. Instead, get rid of the exponent, 60, by doing the opposite of taking the 60th power- take the 60th root or 1/60 power:
\(\displaystyle 1+ \frac{r}{4}= \left(\frac{1}{5}\right)^{1/60}\).

Now subtract 1 from both sides: \(\displaystyle \frac{r}{4}= \left(\frac{1}{5}\right)^{1/60}- 1\).

And last, of course, multiply both sides by 4: \(\displaystyle r= 4\left(\frac{1}{5}\right)^{1/60}- 4\).

That the exact solution and I, personally, would prefer it over an approximate, numerical solution. But it is not difficult to get that using a calculator. 1/5 is, of course, 0.2. The 60th root, or 1/60 power of 0.2 is, according to my calculator, 0.97353260205103889369927709540881. Multiplying by 4, that gives 3.8941304082041555747971083816352 and subtracting 4,
r= -0.10586959179584442520289161836478
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The negative r value is an error. That should have been a red flag, because the amount of money is growing.

The next two equations should be, after the first correctly written equation, the equivalent of:

\(\displaystyle \bigg(1 \ + \ \dfrac{r}{4}\bigg)^{60} \ = \ \dfrac{10,000}{5,000}\)

\(\displaystyle \bigg(1 \ + \ \dfrac{r}{4}\bigg)^{60} \ = \ 2\)
FV = (1 + i)^n : FV = Future Value

That represents future value of 1 unit;
really means FV = 1(1 + i)^n
Thanks for the help guys! Here's what I came up with (with your help of course) as for the final answer.

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