I need help with log

How can i solve this:

17log q = log 2

You might isolate the log on the left side (hint: divide), and then simplify the right side (that is, condense it into a single log). Then you can use the fact that the log is one-to-one to find an expression for the answer (which you would need a calculator to evaluate).

There are other ways. What have you tried? We can help better when we know where you are having trouble.
Hey guys,
I need some help with logarithm.

How can i solve this:

17log q = log 2

Thanks you.
Here is a basic idea about logs:

\(\displaystyle log_a(b) = log_a(c) \iff b = c > 0.\)

So if you can figure out a way to transform your equation

\(\displaystyle 17log(q) = log(2) \text { into } log(q) = log(\text {some number})\)

then you could say \(\displaystyle q = \text { that number.}\)