pythagorean theorem



If you only have one side of a triangle and are trying to find the other two what the heck do you do? Also, if you have b and c how do you find A?
Thanks to whomever answers this!!
If you have only one side and no other information (you don't even include whether it is known that the triangle is right), then there is no way of determining information regarding any other aspect of that triangle. Sorry.

To find information about a triangle you need to have the following combinations

SSS - the 3 sides as lengths and this allows you to find the angles

SAS - 2 sides and 1 angle, you can then find the remaining items

SAA - 1 side and 2 angles and then find the rest.

Any less than these combinations and you cannot do it - but look hard at the problem the information may be hidden in some other detail.