Please check answers and help


New member
Jan 10, 2006
We had a problem to do for homework and I'm don't think I have it right so could you please tell me if I am or am not correct. If I am not, then could you please tell me the answer or give me a "push" in the right direction. Thanks.

Michael Vick is standing on the 40-yard line of the Atlanta Falcons. He throws a pass toward their end zone. The ball is 2 yards above the ground when he lets go. It follows a parabolic path reaching its highest point, 14 yards above the ground, as it crosses the 20-yard line. The receiver catches the ball as the ball reaches 2 yards in height.

1. Determine how far down field the receiver is when he catches the ball.

My answer- He's in the end zone

2.Assume the ball is not caught by the receiver. Describe where the ball hits the ground.

I say it would hit the end zone.

3.How high is the ball when it crosses the 10-yard line?

The ball is 6 yards above the ground.

***If I am not right could you please explain to me what I need to do. Thanks!!
****Also, I am suppose to graph it. I need to make the graph of the ball above the football field. I need coordinates of:
a. the point where the ball is thrown-(origin- 0,0)
b. the maximum height- 14 yards
c. the point at which it is caught-
I tried to graph but I don't think it's right, so can someone do it it so I can compare.
1. The highest the ball went was 14 yards at the 20-yard line. So a parabola is symatrical, he would be 40 yards away from Vick. So he was in the endzone.

2. If he didn't catch it, then it would still end up in the endzone.

3. It goes 12 yards every 20 yards. He threw the 2 yards above the ground and at the highest was 14 yards. So 14-2=12. So 12 / 2 is 6.