Sin Cos Tan??


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Some1 please help with explaining the sin cos tan rule. I'm going to take a SAT test and (unfortunately) it includes a rather difficult sin problem. And my brain decided to bust on me again. =.=
1) Change your screen name. Really...

2) There are at least three definitions. Which do you want? Just memorize the relationships in a RIGHT triangle.

Find a right triangle. Pick an acute angle. Call it 'a'.

cos(a) = Adjacent leg length / hypotenuse length

sin(a) = Opposite leg length / hypotenuse length

tan(a) = Opposite leg length / Adjacent leg length = sin(a) / cos(a)

Memorize. Focus. Don't waste any more time telling yourself that you can't do it.
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Some1 please help with explaining the sin cos tan rule. I'm going to take a SAT test and (unfortunately) it includes a rather difficult sin problem. And my brain decided to bust on me again. =.=
What do you mean, specifically, by "the sin cos tan rule"? Which "rule" (property? identity? definition?) do you have in mind?

Thank you! ;)
just type soh cah toa song into youtube and just play it until its ingrained in your memory shouldnt take more than 10 minutes