Prime numbers

hitler didi

New member
Sep 19, 2012
Is 263 a prime number?
how can we get to know that a number is prime i know a prime number is the one which can only be divided by the number itself or by 1 but is there a shortcut for such big questions.??:x
\(\displaystyle \sqrt{263}\)=16.217 so we only have to check prime numbers less than 16, fortunately there are only 6.


None of these produce integer results so 263 is prime.

On a calculator if you are fast/accurate this takes less than 30 seconds, so I wouldn't exactly call this a "big question".
An alternative lazier way would be looking it up on a table of primes, you can easily find a table that goes up to 100,000 or more.
\(\displaystyle \sqrt{263}\)=16.217 so we only have to check prime numbers less than 16, fortunately there are only 6.


None of these produce integer results so 263 is prime.

On a calculator if you are fast/accurate this takes less than 30 seconds, so I wouldn't exactly call this a "big question".
An alternative lazier way would be looking it up on a table of primes, you can easily find a table that goes up to 100,000 or more.

thanks a lot i understood the question and next time if we need to check prime numbers we should frist take out the square root and then check that if the answer is a multiple of the prime numbers below the answer :D
thanks a lot once again

Is 263 a prime number?
how can we get to know that a number is prime i know a prime number is the one which can only be divided by the number itself or by 1 but is there a shortcut for such big questions.??:x
how did you find this out
hitlerdidi said:
Is 263 a prime number?
how can we get to know that a number is prime i know a prime number is the one which can only be divided by the number itself or by 1 but is there a shortcut for such big questions.??:mad:
how did you find this out
That was the definition of "prime number".
I know a prime number is the one which can only be divided by the
number itself or by 1 . . .

Prime number: a positive integer that has exactly two distinct positive divisors

Edit: This is to note that I replaced the word "which" with "that." This was
done after reading mmm4444bot's post that follows this post.
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