Labelling the Outer Points of a Pentagram


New member
May 22, 2013

I'm trying to program an outer point labelling system for pentagrams and I'm having trouble with the logic.

I have 5 pairs of outer x & y coordinates
I have 5 pairs of inner x & y coordinates

I have decided that point "A" is the outer x & y coordinate pair that has an x value closest to the x value of the center of the inner pentagon. That's easy. The center just being the average of the 5 inner pairs.

I would like the outer points to be labelled clockwise from A, B, C, D & E.

What logic can I use to determine which point is which?

Any help is appreciated.

What do you mean by an "outer point labeling system"? What is the definition of an "inner" and an "outer" point? Since you have the points, why are you needing a "logic" for labeling? Can't you just graph the points and label from whichever starting point you like? ;)
I'm thinking that the outer points are the tips of the star and the inner points are the intersections of the star's sides.

It also seems (to me) that pre-knowledge of how the pentagram is oriented with respect to the coordinate axes would be required, in order to develop a system, but with additional brainstorming perhaps not.

(For example, I was thinking that the x-coordinate of point C would need to be between the x-coordinates of points A and B -- if the thing were oriented such that a line drawn through C and D is parallel to the x-axis. If so, maybe a system could be developed that uses comparisons of x-coordinates.)

Take a look at equations (5) through (8) -- along with the two related diagrams above them -- at this Wolfram page. Maybe that info will give you some other ideas.

Cheers :cool:
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