Cicle help please

Seargen mathematic

New member
Jun 28, 2014
Hey everyone thanks in adv.
So we're getting a maths investigation in two days about sectors and segments of circles. Our teacher has given us a clue about the question. He mentioned there will be a square of sides 9cm, and we are given two circles with the same radius, for example let's say that they're three cm radius, and the centre of the two circles are 4cm apart, where can we put the circles in the square to that the area is minimised, then the other part is for it to be maximised. Sorry if the question doesn't make sense but that's all we're given, I've tried for hours and really can't do anything. Thanks for reading :)

Woops I forgot to add the main question, the question asks find the area of the position of the centre of the circles, btw this is grade 11 maths.
The "area of the position of the centre of the circles"? What do you mean by the area of a position?
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there's only one way of doing that

Are you sure? ;)

Seems to me that there's wiggle room, on the diagonal.

However, if the distance between the centers is fixed, then sliding the overlapping circles around (as a unit) inside the square won't change the remaining area. I've assumed that the exercise is talking about the remaining area, as I'm not sure to which area the OP refers. With this assumption, I agree that there's no maximizing or minimizing possible.