equations of tanget lines using a point not on the function


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Sep 28, 2014
equations of tanget lines using a point not on the function[solved]

find equations of the 2 tangent lines to the graph of f that pass through the indicated point.
the equation is f(x)=x^2 and the point is (1,-3), i know f'(x)=2x , i have also found that the slope of the lines would be (-3-y)/(1-x).
part i was stuck on:
2x=(-3-f(x))/(1-x) or 2x = (-3x-x2)/(1-x)
all tangent lines must have the equation f(x2)=(2x1)x2+c, f(x2)=-3, x2=1. This gives me -3=(2x)1-x^2 or -x^2+2x+3=0. factor this out -(x-3)(x+1)=0. plug these in as x1, and i get the equations y=6x-9 and y=-2x-1
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find equations of the 2 tangent lines to the graph of f that pass through the indicated point. the equation is f(x)=x^2 and the point is (1,-3), i know f'(x)=2x , i have also found that the slope of the lines would be (-3-y)/(1-x).

If I were you, I would solve \(\displaystyle \dfrac{x^2-(-3)}{x-1}=2x\) (slope=slope).
find equations of the 2 tangent lines to the graph of f that pass through the indicated point.
the equation is f(x)=x^2 and the point is (1,-3), i know f'(x)=2x , i have also found that the slope of the lines would be (-3-y)/(1-x). i am stuck at this point

The form of a line, y(x), going through a particular point (x0, y0) and having a given slope m0 is
y = y0 + m0 (x - x0)
The form of a tangent line, t(x), going a particular point (x1, y1) and having a slope m1 is
t = y1 + m1 (x - x1)
m1 = f'(x1)
where f' indicates the derivative of f; that is the slope of the tangent line is the value of the derivative at the point on the curve. Or, since y1 = x12, we have
t = x12 + 2 x1 (x - x1)

Lines y and t are the same, (x0, y0) = (1, -3) and, since y is the tangent line line t, m0 = m1. So, set y equal to t and solve for x1.