Distribution of estate


New member
Feb 21, 2017
Here's the situation. There is an estate to be divided among 6 heirs. Total estate is $98,874.02. Heir #6 has a $20,000.00 judgement to be deducted from the estate. When the estate was distributed, Heirs 1-5 received #18,297.17, while Heir #6 received $7,388.17. This looked incorrect to me, so here's my math on the it. Is this correct or am I missing something?

aHeir 118,297.17
bHeir 218,297.17
cHeir 318,297.17
dHeir 418,297.17
eHeir 518,297.17
fHeir 67,388.17
gTotal Distributed98,874.02sum a through f
iLess: Judgement78,874.02g-h
jLess: Judgement Divided by 6 heirs13,145.67i / 6
kJudgement divided by 5 heirs4,000.00h / 5
lHeir 117,145.67j + k
mHeir 217,145.67j + k
nHeir 317,145.67j + k
oHeir 417,145.67j + k
pHeir 517,145.67j + k
qHeir 613,145.67j + k
rTotal Distributed98,874.02sum a through f
You say "Heir #6 has a $20,000.00 judgement to be deducted from the estate." I interpret that to mean that, due to some legal procedure, the estate is to pay Heir #6 $20,000. Why are you subtracting that from the total distributed? That way, Heir #6 is paying himself 1/6 of the judgement! Any judgement against the estate, whether owed to one of the heirs or not, must be subtracted from the estate before the estate is distributed.
I'm sorry, I didn't make myself clear. Heir #6 owes $20,000 to the estate. The judgement is against Heir #6 who must pay the estate $20,000.