Account Closing Requested for DexterOnline


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2015
Please get me out of the misery of expecting things will change in my life and I will awake tomorrow morning to find a mail that I landed my first job at age 50.

I have previously sent private message to Administrators and Mods to close my account yet no one took action.

Please I no longer wish to participate and share my discoveries of finance formulas on these math forums.

Thank you and Good Bye

Expecting to see a closed account when I check this forum tomorrow morning from funds borrowed from family that will bring my total debt to USD700 that I have borrowed over the past 6 months to perform jobs on freelancer websites in return for pay in amounts of USD0

That number 0 is now very critical in my next discover of Division by zero, Natural log of zero, Square root of -1 however I have no plans to make my findings public in form of Book of Atan as I had done previously with Book of Odd. And the world also missed out of the other sets of Books such as King James version of Books of Odd and John Milton's version of Books of Atan

So long the math forums.

Kind Regards from this Retard
my first job at age 50

Your first job? :-? Were you paid at any of the positions below?

Work History:
1986-1989 Gas Station Attendant at various stations in Yonkers, NY
1990 Computer Consultant (Joke of the Company) at Ciba-Geigy in Ardsley, NY
1991 Computer Consultant part II (Joke of the Company) at Con Edison in Rye, NY
1992 Political Satirist (Jokes of the Century) at WABC Talk Radio in New York, NY

2008-2015 Financial Engineer at Think And Done Dot Com in Cyberspace, Interwebs