Adjusting performance for number of days employed


New member
Sep 18, 2021
Hello everyone! I have a rather complex problem I am trying to solve. Ultimately I have 2 groups. Group A has only been employed for an average of 312 work days and makes an average 0.4 sales per day. Group B has been employed for an average of 857 days and makes an average 0.5 sales per day.
Is there a way to “adjust” group A to say “by the time Group A has worked 857 days they will be making X amount of sales per day on average”?
My initial thought was to do .4/312=0.001, then multiply 0.001 by the difference of days worked with would be 545, and say that when Group A has worked 857 they would make an average of 0.545 sales per day.
I don't understand your goal. all of your "average" business may not be meaningful at all.

Average number of days.


Maybe just draw a line? It doesn't have to be a line. Choose any kind of mechanism you like? Seems to me, though, that total sales might be a better place to start, rather than some average that is not well understood.
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Hello everyone! I have a rather complex problem I am trying to solve. Ultimately I have 2 groups. Group A has only been employed for an average of 312 work days and makes an average 0.4 sales per day. Group B has been employed for an average of 857 days and makes an average 0.5 sales per day.
Is there a way to “adjust” group A to say “by the time Group A has worked 857 days they will be making X amount of sales per day on average”?
My initial thought was to do .4/312=0.001, then multiply 0.001 by the difference of days worked with would be 545, and say that when Group A has worked 857 they would make an average of 0.545 sales per day.
What do you mean by "adjust group A"? You can't change group A numbers. They are what they are. Maybe you want to estimate how group A would perform given the same average experience as group B? I guess one of the curves described here should be used: