Another Area ratio problem...arggg!!!



Can seem to do these...
I am completely frustrated! :x
Please help ASAP, test on friday.


Hello, AirForceOne!

Here are a few of them . . .

29) Triangle

[I suspect that the "8" is incorrect . . . or maybe some other part.]

Triangles \(\displaystyle ADB\) and \(\displaystyle ABC\) have two corresponding angles equal,
\(\displaystyle \;\;\)hence they are similar and their corresponding sides are proportional.

We have: \(\displaystyle \,\frac{AD}{AB}\,=\,\frac{4}{7}\) . . . The ratio of their sides is \(\displaystyle \,4:7\)

The ratio of their areas is: \(\displaystyle \L\,\frac{A_1}{\Delta ABC}\:=\:\frac{4^2}{7^2}\:=\:\frac{16}{49}\)

Then: \(\displaystyle \L\,\frac{A_2}{\Delta ABC}\:=\:\frac{33}{49}\)

Therefore: \(\displaystyle \L\,\frac{A_1}{A_2}\:=\:\frac{16}{33}\)

29. Trapezoid

Triangles 1 and 2 are similar.

On diagonal \(\displaystyle TR\), the two segments are 5 and 6.
These are a pair of corresponding sides of the two triangles.
Hence, the ratio of the sides of the two triangles is \(\displaystyle \,5:6\)

Therefore: \(\displaystyle \L\,\frac{A_1}{A_2}\:=\:\frac{5^2}{6^2}\:=\:\frac{25}{36}\)

30, 31. \(\displaystyle \;\) There are no measurements?
Thanks a lot!

My teacher announced today that she forgot to put measurements on problems 30 and 31. Sorry the inconvience!!

Thanks again!!