Average breaking force of a car


New member
Apr 15, 2007
I need to know what the average breaking force of a 1000kg car going at 10m/s that brakes to a stop in 5s would be---Thanks

Answer is one of these (1000n) or (2000n) (3000n) (4000n) or (5000n)
hardworker2153 said:
I need to know what the average breaking force of a 1000kg car going at 10m/s that brakes to a stop in 5s would be---Thanks

Answer is one of these (1000n) or (2000n) (3000n) (4000n) or (5000n)
I've never heard of a "breaking" force for a car. How does your grade-school arithmetic book define this? What does "n" stand for? :oops:

:arrow: Note: Since you posted this to the "Arithmetic" category, obviously this isn't a physic question or anything that uses algebra, calculus, or advanced formulas. But you'll need to provide us with the environment -- definitions, simple formulas, assumptions, etc -- in which you are expected to answer this exercise. :!:

Please be complete. Thank you! :D
