calculus average value


New member
Jun 23, 2020
We are given a function, g(x), with the following properties
- the function, g(x), is continuous
- the average value of f over the interval [0, 1] = 1
- the average value of f over the interval [1, 3] = 2
- the average value of f over the interval [3, 6] = 3
By using the definition of average value, find the average value of f over [0, 6].

I've tried just adding all 3 average values of the subinterval values and I got 6 (1+2+3). Then I tried multiplying that by 1/b-a of the entire interval (1/6=0=1/6) and got 1 for my final answer. Can you not just add the average value of the intervals like that to find the average value of the whole interval? I'm very confused.
It might help you out if you state the definition of average value, and then think about the following question:-

If the average value of f over the interval [3, 6] = 3, then what is the integral of f over the interval [3, 6]?
Adding to Cubist excellent response. Draw a graph of the average value over each given interval
Did nobody else notice that we are told that "g(x) is continuous" but then are asked about "f(x)"?
The average value of f(x) over interval [a, b] is \(\displaystyle \frac{\int_a^b f(x)dx}{b- a}\).
"- the average value of f over the interval [0, 1] = 1"
\(\displaystyle \frac{\int_0^1 f(x)dx}{1- 0}= 1\) so \(\displaystyle \int_0^1 f(x)= 1\)

"- the average value of f over the interval [1, 3] = 2"
\(\displaystyle \frac{\int_1^3 f(x)dx}{3- 1}= 2\) so \(\displaystyle \int_1^3 f(x)= 4\)

"- the average value of f over the interval [3, 6] = 3"
\(\displaystyle \frac{\int_3^6 f(x)dx}{6- 3}= 3\) so \(\displaystyle \int_3^6 f(x)dx= 9\)

Since \(\displaystyle \int_0^6 f(x)dx= \int_0^1 f(x)dx+ \int_1^3 f(x)dx+ \int_3^6 f(x)dx\)
\(\displaystyle \int_0^6 f(x)dx= 1+ 4+ 9= 14\).

So the average value of f(x) over the interval [0, 6] is \(\displaystyle \frac{14}{6}= \frac{7}{3}\).

That could also be done as a "weighted average", weighting each of the separate averages by the length of the interval: \(\displaystyle \frac{1(1)+ 2(2)+ 3(3)}{1+ 2+ 3}= \frac{14}{6}= \frac{7}{3}\).