Can anyone tell me what steps to take to answer this statistics question?


New member
Jun 20, 2016
The mean score for a standardized test was 62%. Reviewers considered the score to be too low so the test was revised and the new mean score was 68% with a standard deviation of 2.2% Has the test actually been made significantly easier? (worth 10 marks)

Can anyone explain to me what steps id take to answer this question? Im not asking you to do my homework im just asking for guidance.
The main question I have is: What was the standard deviation of the test before the changes? Does the problem say, or are we perhaps meant to assume the standard deviation did not change and is 2.2% both before and after the changes? Either way, once you know the standard deviation of both tests, you can compare the range of scores that most people fell into using the Empirical Rule. Although there will be some subjectivity to this problem, wherein you'll need to give your own thoughts, because there's no standardized definition of "significantly easier." :)