can we have the solution

No, absolutely not. I hope that you are joking. This is not a homework service forum where we solve problems for students. Instead it is a math help forum where we expect students to solve their own problems with hints from the helpers here. So please read our guidelines, follow them and then post back. I would also include in your reply post what r is the remainder of.
Please read and follow our guidelines:

Specifically, this appears to come from some context we may need to know, including not only what "r is the remainder" means, but what x is, and what topic these questions are intended to exercise.

But the most important thing is to tell us what you know and where you need help.
Problem (a) looks like you are to recognize this as the derivative of an integral.

Problem (b) looks like a "partial fractions" problem.
Mared looks as though he is slow to comprehend. He was told to read the rules literally years ago.