Christmas Problems


Full Member
Jun 8, 2006
1) If you buy every item in the song, The Twelve Days of Christmas, how many items will you buy?

Here's the song if you forgot it: Link
Would it be the summation of all the numbers 1 through 12 inclusive (78)?

Or would every time it repeats the "5 golden rings" would I have to add it to the number of items?
Interesting question.

The number, S, of the nth mentioned item that the true love sent is:

S(n) = -n^2 + 13n (only valid for n being an element of {1,2,3...10,11,12}

So the sum is simply:

S(1) + S(2) + S(3) + S(4) ... + S(12), a finite series.
Hello, jonboy!

If you buy every item in the song, The Twelve Days of Christmas,
how many items will you buy?

\(\displaystyle 78\) is the number of items on the 12th day (only).
. . The answer is considerably larger . . .

Look at the shopping list:

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{ccccc}\text{1st day} & \; & 1 & \,=\, & 1\\\text{2nd day} & \; & 1\,+\,2 & = & 3\\ \text{3rd day} & \; & 1\,+\,2\,+\,3 & = & 6\\\text{4th day} & \; & 1\,+\,2\,+\,3\,+\,4 & = & 10\\\vdots & \; & \vdots & & \vdots\end{array}\)

We are summing "triangular numbers".

The sum of the first \(\displaystyle n\) triangular numbers is: \(\displaystyle \:S(n)\:=\:\frac{n(n\,+\,1)(n\,+\,2)}{6}\)

Therefore: \(\displaystyle \:S(12)\;=\;\frac{12\cdot13\cdot14}{6}\;=\;364\)

soroban said:
[Therefore: \(\displaystyle \:S(12)\;=\;\frac{12\cdot13\cdot14}{6}\;=\;364\)
...and the Department Stores get richer...