Circular trig. function: 1-cos^2(arcsin(sin(x-pi/2)))


New member
Oct 5, 2006

The problems asks to express this as a single circular trigonometric function. I don't even have the slightest clue where to begin, or even what arcsin means. Any help would be appreciated.
The arcsin function is another name for the inverse function of the sine, i.e, \(\displaystyle arcxin(x) = sin^{-1}(x)\).
Hello, OhMrsDarcy!

Not only are you expected to be familiar with Inverse Trig Functions,
. . you should know all the earlier identities, too!

Express as a single trig function:

. . \(\displaystyle 1\,-\,\cos^2\left(\arcsin\left[\sin\left(x\,-\,\frac{\pi}{2}\right)\right]\right)\)

Since \(\displaystyle \arcsin\) and \(\displaystyle \sin\) are inverse functions: \(\displaystyle \:\arcsin(\sin\theta)\,=\,\theta\)
. . (assuming principal values only).

So we have: \(\displaystyle \:1\,-\,\cos^2\left(x\,-\,\frac{\pi}{2}\right)\)

Since \(\displaystyle \sin^2\theta\,+\,\cos^2\theta\:=\:1\;\;\Rightarrow\;\;1\,-\,\cos^2\theta\:=\:\sin^2\theta\)

. . the problem becomes: \(\displaystyle \:\sin^2\left(x\,-\,\frac{\pi}{2}\right) \:= \:\left[\sin\left(x\,-\,\frac{\pi}{2}\right)\right]^2\)

Since \(\displaystyle \sin(-\theta)\,=\,-\sin\theta\), we have: \(\displaystyle \:\left[-\sin\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\,-\,x\right)\right]^2\)

Since \(\displaystyle \sin\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\,-\,\theta\right)\:=\:\cos\theta\), we have: \(\displaystyle \:\left[-\cos x\right]^2 \:=\:\L\cos^2x\;\;\) . . . There!

I had gotten to the sin^2(x-pi/2) but beyond that i was cluless. Thank you so much! This was Uber helpful!