Coin tossing


New member
May 24, 2020
Two coins are tossed at the same time. Determine the probability that the head will not appear.
1) 1/4
2) 1/2
3) 2/6
4) 3/4
The probability of getting 2 tails (no heads) is the probability of getting a tail on coin A 'AND' getting a tail on coin B.
We will be multiplying each of those probabilities (AND=multiply). What is the probability of getting a tail?
Two coins are tossed at the same time. Determine the probability that the head will not appear.
1) 1/4
2) 1/2
3) 2/6
4) 3/4
Here is a table of outcomes:
H&H \\
H&T \\
T&H \\
Now count.
Is correct answer 1/4?
How many ways can you toss two coins? (excluding the possibilities of one or more rolling off and never to be found a gain - is the cat dead?)

How many of those possibilities contain possibility of only tails?
Just look at the table that pka supplied you with, count the favorable outcomes (whatever you want it to be) and divide by 4.