Completing the square help


New member
Mar 15, 2020
4x2+4y2-24x+32y-4=0 this is the problem that the website give as a sample and then it skips a step in the end and that's where I am confused. if anyone can full right out the solve for this step by step that would help thanks.
Thanks for making a new thread.
Unfortunately we do not usually like to give out full answers this site. We prefer that the students with our guidance arrives at the correct answer on their own.

1st you need to write the powers correctly. To write 3 squared, type 3^2.

So your problem, I suspect, is really 4x^2+4y^2-24x+32y-4=0

I'll start you off.

4(x^2-6x)+4(y^2+8y) =4

4(x^2-6x + _ )+4(y^2+8y+ _ ) = 4 +/- ____

4(____)2 + 4(____)2 = ___

Can you fill in the blanks above?
4x2+4y2-24x+32y-4=0 this is the problem that the website give as a sample and then it skips a step in the end and that's where I am confused. if anyone can full right out the solve for this step by step that would help thanks.
I absolutely hate it when people miss the totally obvious.
\(4x^2+4y^2-24x+32y-4=0\\x^2+y^2-6x+8y-1=0\\(x^2-6x+9)+(y^2+8y+16)=1+9+16\\(x-3)^2+(y+4)^2=36 \)