Compound interest queation


New member
Jul 24, 2012
Hello All!
Heres the question - 2 part.
If you invested $1,000 into a business and earned 1.5% on your money everyday, what would the sum be at day 90?
now for the hard part
part 2. After day 90, you continue to earn 1.5% per day interest however on day 91 your initial $1,000 in taken out of your account. So now your earning the interest on the sum - the original thousand - on day 92 and so on, you continue to earn 1.5% interest, however, your initial interest on day 1 is taken out. And day 93 your interest from day 2 is taken out and day 94 your interest from day 3 is taken out. Must not day 90+ you earn the interest of 1.5% first then the interest from day 1 and on is taken out..
What is this worth on day 180?

For future clarification it looks like this - invest $1,000 at 1.5% per day. Day one you earn $15 so by day two you have $1015 and earn $15.22 days 2, at 1.5%. Etc. so then at day 90 the $1000 comes out, day 91 you subtract the $15, day 92 subtract $15.22.
a question.. What is the amount at day 90 and then what is the amount at day 180​
Did you try using the compound-interest formula for part 1?

A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)

A is the future balance
P is the principal
r is the interest rate's decimal form

Because they've given you the daily rate, you may set n = 1 and use 90 days for time t.

For part 2, I cannot resolve your English; please wait for somebody else to assist you with part 2.
Is this your question?

You can invest in an account that pays interest at 1.5% per day. On day 1, you invest $1,000. On day 91, you withdraw $1,000. On day t + 91, you withdraw an amount equal to the interest credited on day t. What is your balance at the end of day 180?

I frequently feel like a crypto-analyst at this site.
