confused with variables in equations


Junior Member
Dec 25, 2019
In the highlighted example below, I am confused about the rules in regards to variable.

8 - m + m = 8

Why did the 'm' variable disappear? should it not be '8 - m + m = 8m'

If you start with 8, subtract a number m from it, and then add m back to the result, you are back to the original number, 8.

That is, (8 - m + m) = (8 + -m) + m = 8 + (-m + m) = 8 + 0 = 8. There, I first rewrite a subtraction as addition of the opposite; then applied the associative property, then used the fact that any number plus its opposite is zero.
I think it is worth stating what Dr Peterson said again: If you start with 8, subtract a number m from it, and then add m back to the result, you are back to the original number, 8.

You must understand that m is just a place holder for a number. If you are not sure if 8-m+m = 8 or 8-m+m = 8m then replace m with a number. Say m=2

8 - 2 + 2 = 6+2 = 8 which is NOT 8*2=16. Do you see where I got 8*2 from?

Suppose m=5. 8-5+5 = 3+5 = 8 which is not 8*5=40.

Students like to use a calculator but in my opinion they do not know how to use one.

Suppose you are doing a long calculation on your calculator and your calculator show 8. Then you subtract some number (call it m) by mistake and you forgot the number was 8 before you did this subtraction. How do you undue subtracting this number m? Answer is that you add m back.