Convert XYZ (ECEF) to raw,pitch,yaw


New member
Dec 14, 2021
I have a problem regarding my programming project and I'm stuck on the mathematical side of the problem.

I am parsing geometrical data from a provider and from their side every information is provided, but because of access problems I don't have access to every field that's provided and my task is to recalculate the values when they get parsed from provider. I still have the original data so that I can check if my calculations are right (or close enough)

I have access to the latitude, longitude and altitude information aswell as the ECEF coordinates. My problem is that I cannot calculate raw, pitch and yaw angles from the data.

Data that I have as a reference:
 "pos": {
     "pitch": -0.839661672,
     "roll": -1.663901733,
     "x": -2707284.431485295,
     "y": -4262211.770268887,
     "yaw": 1.160845159,
     "z": 3883714.949993163
 "lat_lng": {
     "height": -8.501139877,
      "lat": 37.751917496,
      "lng": -122.423062823

Data I have access to
 "pos": {
     "pitch": ?,
     "roll": ?,
     "x": -2707284.431485295,
     "y": -4262211.770268887,
     "yaw": ?,
     "z": 3883714.949993163
 "lat_lng": {
     "height": -8.501139877,
      "lat": 37.751917496,
      "lng": -122.423062823
Last edited:
I have a problem regarding my programming project and I'm stuck on the mathematical side of the problem.

I am parsing geometrical data from a provider and from their side every information is provided, but because of access problems I don't have access to every field that's provided and my task is to recalculate the values when they get parsed from provider. I still have the original data so that I can check if my calculations are right (or close enough)

I have access to the latitude, longitude and altitude information aswell as the ECEF coordinates. My problem is that I cannot calculate raw, pitch and yaw angles from the data.

Data that I have as a reference:
 "pos": {
     "pitch": -0.839661672,
     "roll": -1.663901733,
     "x": -2707284.431485295,
     "y": -4262211.770268887,
     "yaw": 1.160845159,
     "z": 3883714.949993163
 "lat_lng": {
     "height": -8.501139877,
      "lat": 37.751917496,
      "lng": -122.423062823

Data I have access to
 "pos": {
     "pitch": ?,
     "roll": ?,
     "x": -2707284.431485295,
     "y": -4262211.770268887,
     "yaw": ?,
     "z": 3883714.949993163
 "lat_lng": {
     "height": -8.501139877,
      "lat": 37.751917496,
      "lng": -122.423062823
Have you learned to use "transformation matrices"?

Please review:
