Critical thinking


New member
Sep 14, 2019
An open cylinder tank is 150 feet in diameter and 180 feet high. The lateral surface area of the tank (no top no bottom) is to be painted with paint that covers 225 square feet per gallon. When filled each cubic foot of the tank holds approximately 7.5 gallons of gasoline valued at $2.75 per gallon.
A) find the number of gallons of paint required for a single coat of paint.
B) find the total value of gasoline in the filled tank
It seems like the best place to start is by finding the lateral surface area of the tank. How far did you get on that? Do you know any formulas that might help you here? Like, say, the formula for the surface area of a cylinder?

Hint: (Lateral surface area) = (Total surface area) - [(Area of the top) + (Area of the bottom)]
It seems like the best place to start is by finding the lateral surface area of the tank. How far did you get on that? Do you know any formulas that might help you here? Like, say, the formula for the surface area of a cylinder?

Hint: (Lateral surface area) = (Total surface area) - [(Area of the top) + (Area of the bottom)]
Well I started off trying to do it like this and kind of got stuck 2*pie(3.14)*radius*height
You're off to a good start then. I just have two notes. First, the number is just called pi. "pie" is a food, or in a mathematical context could be mistaken by a computer grading tool as the product of pi and another mathematical constant \(e \approx 2.718281 \)

That bit of nitpicking aside, I'd carefully re-read the problem text. The formula calls for the radius of the cylinder, but the problem text says that the diameter is 150 feet.
Thanks for correcting me... Okay so I'm using the wrong formula then? Or what would my next step be off that is the right formula!
That would calculate too 169,560

However, you need to use the value for "radius" as opposed to "diameter" - for the lateral surface area calculation.

What is the radius of the tank?