Decompose a year over year change in returns


New member
Sep 17, 2019
I'm working on decomposing a change in returns from one period to another period.

In 2018, my return is calculated as $20 income divided by $100 in capital (20% return).
In 2019, my return is calculated as $50 income divided by $200 in capital (25% return).

Is there a way to decompose the 5% return into something like: 8% is from a change in income, and -3% from an increase in capital?

Thanks so much for any advice.
Assuming you have $100 at the beginning of 2018 and earn 20% on it, you will have 20 + 100 = 120 at the start of 2019. Further assuming that you earn 25% in 2019, you have will have 120 + 30 = 150 at the end of 2019. On average, you will have earned approximately 22.474487% over the two years, which makes intuitive sense because the average return should be between 20 and 25.

Where in the world do you get 5%. And how did 120 magically become 200? If you go from 100 to 150 in two years, why do you think something is negative? Your question makes no sense whatsoever.
Where does 5% return come from?
What change in income are you referring to? As I understand you have an investment that increased by 20% and 25% - that's the only income in the picture.