divisibility test



pLease help me ;

decide wether the following are true of false using only divisibility test, give reason for the answer:

24 / 325,608

45 / 13, 075

40/ 1,732,800

36 / 677,916

Prove in two different ways that 2 divides 114.

Prove in two different ways that 3 /336

Also if 24 divides b, what else must divide b?[/tex][/code]
You ask for the truth or falsity of the expressions, but I'm not sure what that means. I mean, "24 ÷ 325,608" is just a number; I'm not sure what "truth" or "falsity" would mean in such a context...? Or do you mean the "slash" to stand for "divides into" (in a number-theory sort of way), rather than the usual "divided by" meaning...? So "24 / 325,608" means "twenty-five is a divisor of 325,608"...?

Thank you.

Hello, bware!

Are you aware of the various divisibility tests?

Decide wether the following are true of false using only divisibility test, give reason for the answer:

\(\displaystyle 24\;|\;325,608\)
\(\displaystyle N\,=\,325,608\)
The sum of the digits of \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by 3 \(\displaystyle \,(3\,+\,2\,+\,5\,+\,6\,+\,0\,+\,8\:=\:24)\)
\(\displaystyle \;\;\) Hence, \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by 3.

The last three-digit number of \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by 8 \(\displaystyle \,(608\,\div\,8\:=\:76)\)
\(\displaystyle \;\;\)Hence, \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by 8.

Therefore: \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by: \(\displaystyle 3\cdot8\:=\:24\)

\(\displaystyle 45\,|\,13,075\)
The number ends in 5. \(\displaystyle \;\)Hence, \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by 5.

But the sum of the digits, \(\displaystyle 1\,+\,3\,+\,0\,+\,7\,+\,5\:=\:16\), is not divisible by 9.

Therefore: \(\displaystyle N\) is not divisible by 45.

\(\displaystyle 40\,|,1,732,800\)
Since \(\displaystyle N\) ends in 0, it is divisible by 5.
Since the last three-digit number is divislble by 8 \(\displaystyle \,(800 \,\div\,8\:=\:100)\), it is divisible by 8.

Therefore, \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by: \(\displaystyle 5\cdot8\:=\:40\)

\(\displaystyle 36\,|\,677,916\)
The sum of the digits \(\displaystyle \,(6\,+\,7\,+\,7\,+\,9\,+\,1\,+\,6\:=\:36)\) is divisible by 9.
\(\displaystyle \;\;\)Hence, \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by 9.
The last two-digit number is divisible by 4 \(\displaystyle \,(16\,\div\,4\:=\:4)\).
\(\displaystyle \;\;\)Hence, \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by 4.

Therefore, \(\displaystyle N\) is divisible by: \(\displaystyle 9\cdot4\:=\;36\)