Double Features Word Puzzle


Elite Member
Apr 22, 2015
In these puzzles, the last word of one movie title is the same as the first word of another. Use the fictional plotlines below to create a combined title taking advantage of this overlap, such as Forbidden Planet of the Apes.

1. Mobster Robert De Niro enlists a shrink to help him understand a mockumentary about a heavy metal band.

2. Alien-fighting agents Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones crash when their U.S. helicopter is attacked in Somalia.

3. Claudette Colbert hikes up her skirt to a hitch a ride to meet a Natural History watchman after hours.

4. Suicidal Jimmy Stewart ends up having a terrific Christmas after surviving a shipwreck and sharing a boat with a snarling Bengal tiger.


I'm familiar with one of the movies in each of #1, #2 and #3, but not the counterparts. (I'd need to use a search engine.)

However, I managed to get #4 on my own -- after initially going down the wrong path.

It's a Wonderful LIFE of Pi
